

Collaboration with Gualba Town Council for the supply of water to the population.

Given the current intense and persistent drought, the Generalitat has activated the state of pre-emergency (aggravated exceptionality) to municipalities that are supplied with water from the Ter-Llobregat system, including the municipality of Gualba, where our subway mining XAUXA is located.

In this scenario of water consumption restriction measures, AYMAR SAU and the City Council of Gualba have renewed the agreement to supply water from inside the XAUXA mine to the municipality, signed in 2018 under the authorization of the Catalan Water Agency. Through the actions undertaken jointly by the Gualba Town Council and the company AYMAR SAU, it has been possible to cover the water needs for the 2,000 inhabitants, establishing the infrastructure and appropriate mechanisms to maintain this supply in the coming months as long as the drought is not reversed and the Santa Fe reservoir, the main source of water for the municipality, is refilled.

We are proud to be able to collaborate with the welfare of our environment and our neighbors.

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