

Pupils from the La Palmera school visit us

As part of AYMAR SAU's commitment to the dissemination of sustainable mining, on 05/12/23 we received 4th year primary school pupils from the La Palmera School in Barcelona, who visited us as part of a voluntary mineral study project, the aim of which was to learn first-hand about a mineral deposit.
During the visit, we had the collaboration of Mr. Joan Rosell Riba, president of the Grup Mineralògic Català, who showed the students the minerals present in the area, and the characteristics and properties of minerals in general.
Afterwards, our Faculty Director, Mr. Luis Jesús García-Muñoz Miras, showed them how the quarry is exploited and the impact on the environment in a natural park.
We would not forget to thank the collaboration of the Parc Medioambiental de Gualba, who welcomed the visitors, who enjoyed their magnificent facilities to eat and rest after the visit.
Thank you very much to everyone and see you next time!