Fixmar Latex

Latex for the production of bonding grouts, mortars and primers.

FIXMAR LATEX is a white latex formulated with polymers in aqueous dispersion that, pure in some cases, serves as a primer or bonding bridge, and in others, mixed with hydraulic mortars, improves their flexibility, waterproofing, adhesion and compressive and tensile strengths.

  • Application field
  • Instructions of use
  • Recomendations of use
  • Technical data
  • Mixed with pure Portland, it is ideal for making bonding grouts between dry mortar and new mortar as an effective, durable and very resistant bonding bridge.
  • Mixed with Portland and sand, we obtain an adhesive mortar suitable for bonding tiles, stoneware, PORCELAIN STONEWARE, etc.
  • With FIXMAR LATEX we can make mortars of considerable thickness, to place ceramic tiles with total guarantee of grip.
  • Making mortar screeds: from 1 mm. to thick screeds.
  • Sealing of porous substrates such as gypsum plaster, etc. prior to laying ceramic tiles with adhesive cement.
  • Support: All supports where we are going to apply the pure FIXMAR LATEX or a mortar additivated with it, will always be resistant, solid, clean of dust, paint, waxes, oils and greases, and will be perfectly set.
  • Preparation of the mixture: Use as a primer on gypsum substrates:
  • Apply a single coat of undiluted FIXMAR LATEX by brush or roller.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Apply the cement glue with a notched trowel.


  • Preparation of the mixture:
  • Use as a bonding slurry:
  • Mix FIXMAR LATEX and Portland cement in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply this mixture on the dry mortar with brush, roller, mop,...
  • Spread the new mortar while the grout is still wet (fresh on fresh).


  • Use as an additive to make screed mortar of 1 to 3 mm:
  • It is essential to apply a bonding slurry (see previous step).
  • Mix in a concrete mixer quantities equivalent to 50 Kg. of Portland + 150 Kg. of fine sand + the necessary FIXMAR LATEX.
  • Pour the result of the mixture on the pavement and level it with an appropriate ruler and level.


  • Use as an additive to make screed mortars from 3 to 30 mm:
  • It is essential to apply a bonding slurry (see previous step).
  • Mix in a container 25 liters of FIXMAR LATEX with 50 liters of water.
  • Mix in a concrete mixer quantities equivalent to 50 Kg. of Portland + 200 Kg. of sand + the NECESSARY liquid from the previous mixture.
  • Use as an additive to make bonding mortars for the gluing of GRES:
  • Mix in a container 25 liters of FIXMAR LATEX with 75 liters of water.
  • Mix in a concrete mixer quantities equivalent to 50 Kg. of Portland + 200 Kg. of sand + the NECESSARY liquid from the previous mixture.
  • Apply the product ALWAYS using the DOUBLE GLUE TECHNIQUE: put mortar on the support and mortar on the back of the pieces => 100% contact.
  • Use as an additive to make bonding mortars for bonding PORCELAIN STONEWARE:
  • Mix in a container 25 liters of FIXMAR LATEX with 25 liters of water.
  • Mix in a concrete mixer quantities equivalent to 50 Kg. of Portland + 200 Kg. of sand + the NECESSARY liquid from the previous mixture.
  • Apply the product ALWAYS using the DOUBLE GLUE TECHNIQUE: put mortar on the support and mortar on the back of the pieces => 100% contact.


  • Precautions:


  • In the case of laying, always apply pressure on the tiles to ensure a correct bond. Massage the pieces with a rubber mallet.
  • We will protect any type of recently realized work from excessive heat, frost, rain,... at least during the first 24 hours.
  • As with all latex-additivated mortar, we must constantly check that no surface layer is formed.

FIXMAR LATEX should not be used:

  • Diluting it more than indicated in the instructions.
  • At temperatures below +5ºC.
  • For applications other than those indicated.
  • Mixed with adhesive adhesive cements.
  • In special placements such as facades, radiant floors, ... without consulting the Technical Department.
  • Type: Aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers that with M7.5 type mortars we obtain a CT-C25-F6: fast hardening mortar.
  • Appearance: White fluid liquid.
  • Density: 1,03 g/cm3
  • Solids content: 20%.
  • pH: 9
  • Flammability: No
  • Toxicity: Contact may irritate skin and/or eyes.