HA25/8mm /Hydrosoluble Sac

The DRY Concrete HA25/8mm hydrosoluble sac manufactured by AYMAR S.A. is a fine-finished dry concrete supplied in an ecological sac that dissolves in the presence of water leaving the physical and chemical properties of the concrete intact.

This system provides cleaner working conditions as it does not generate dust, safer as it prevents possible injuries in the opening of the sacs and inhalation of dust, more sustainable by not generating waste and faster.

  • Application field
  • Instructions of use
  • Recomendations of use

The Ha25/8mm dry shape is a concrete of suitable quality for construction work in general in normal exposure environments, high humidity (XC2). Appropriate for all kinds of palette works; formigons for sidewalks, formigons for borderings, filling formigons, printed concrete, polished soleres... Especially suitable for applications where a fine finish is required.

Media preparation: Clean and moisten the media before application and wait for the disappearance of the water film. Prepare with proper meshes to arm concrete
Mix preparation: Always use running water, clean water. Introduce the sack to the formigonera (No need to open it). Add 3 – 3.5 litres of water per sack. Amassar until you get a homogeneous paste.
Sample application: The minimum thickness of the application will be 4 cm, always allowing a complete mass compaction. Once the pasture is done, it will be applied before the start of the forging.

The excess water causes a decrease in resistance.
Apply to supports with some degree of absorption, moisture and perfectly forged.
Do not apply at temperatures below 5 niC or above 35 .C. Avoid frost, strong winds and intense sun exposures during application.
The addition of another material (additives, cement, etc.) can change the behaviour and characteristics of the product.


Composed of metamorphic limestone aids crushed for use in construction, such as concrete arids and mortars (IN 12620 and 13139), CEM cement I - 42.5R (IN 197-1 and UNE 80601) and organic additives to improve compression resistance.