Hidromar Super-Flex

WATERPROOF and SUPER-FLEXIBLE mortar ideal for swimming pools, swimming pool beaches, shower trays, changing rooms, tanks,... with ceramic finish.

WATERTIGHTNESS GUARANTEE: The watertightness of a swimming pool, tank, etc. is the EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY of the concrete vessel that forms it, as its construction, stability, sizing, concrete quality, ground settlement, crack formation, even the actual placement of this waterproofing, are not the responsibility of HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX. HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX fully complies with the EN 14.891 standard, and therefore maintains waterproofing even at low temperatures (- 5ºC) and at very low temperatures (- 20ºC) in P0.75 mm cracks. These are the limits of the watertightness guarantee offered by HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX. It is therefore advisable to ensure beforehand that the dimensional stability of the structure does not require a higher performance.


Made in Spain. 

  • Application field
  • Instructions of use
  • Technical data
  • SUPER-FLEXIBLE waterproofing of swimming pools, ponds, tanks, channels, etc. with ceramic finish.
  • SUPER-FLEXIBLE waterproofing of swimming pool beaches with total safety, for the subsequent laying of ceramic tiles.
  • Waterproofing of ceramic shower trays with maximum flexibility.
  • Waterproofing of balconies, terraces, exterior roofs,... for the subsequent laying of ceramic tiles.
  • Waterproofing by bridging surfaces with micro-cracks or susceptible to micro-cracks.
  • Prefabricated or/and concrete blocks
  • Earth retaining walls on the outside, subsequently protecting it with a geotextile sheet.
  • Waterproofing of bathrooms, changing rooms, balconies, etc. for the subsequent installation of ceramic tiles with ADIMAR FLEX.
  • Step 1: the substrates must be resistant, solid, clean of dust, paint, waxes, release agents, oils and grease and perfectly set.
  • Step 2: prior to the application of HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX, we recommend applying a fibreglass mesh in all corners, corners, drains and expansion joints in order to achieve total waterproofing of these critical points.
  • Step 3: in summer or on very absorbent surfaces, wet the surface with water beforehand until it is saturated, eliminating excess water and avoiding puddles.
  • Step 4: to prepare the mortar, mix the entire 20 kg bag with 4.8 litres of clean water. It is mandatory to mix mechanically at low speed to avoid the inclusion of air. The resulting mixture must be completely homogeneous.
  • Step 5: apply a 1st coat of HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX with a brush or fine trowel or pneumatic spray system. This layer should not be more than 2 mm thick.
  • Step 6: let the 1st coat dry for approx. 4 hours.
  • Step 7: apply a 2nd coat of HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX perpendicular to the 1st coat.

ATTENTION: in swimming pools or tanks, apply at least 2 coats of 1 mm. each in order to withstand positive pressures of maximum 3 bar at all times. The more layers, the more protection, therefore to resist more pressure, increase the number of layers (always apply layers of maximum thickness 1 mm).


LAYING CERAMICS ON HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX: After 24 to 36 hours (at +20ºC) from the application of HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX, the ceramic pieces should be glued with a cement glue that complies with the regulations for adhesion on waterproof sheets, such as ADIMAR FLEX.


WARNING: HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX should not be used:


Under counter-pressure.
At temperatures below +5ºC.
In thicknesses greater than 1 mm. per coat.
On very dry and water-hungry surfaces (especially on hot days).
By adding extra cement.
On unstable concrete structures that require higher technical requirements than those offered by HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX (consult the Technical Dept.).
On roofs without final ceramic protection

HIDROMAR SUPER-FLEX is a SUPER-FLEXIBLE mortar for WATERPROOFING all types of building surfaces, whether or not they are subject to deformation. Its characteristics are unique:

  • Very high flexibility.
  • Total adherence to the substrate without shrinking.
  • Total waterproofing.
  • Ceramic finish.
  • Excellent workability by brush, fine trowel, roller or even air-less.
  • Resistant to the effects of saline and slightly acidic water, atmospheric pollution.